Imeachtaí - Events
Teastaisí na Nollag 2019
Eolaí Óg 2019
Podchraoladh na hIdirbhliana
Tá podchraoladh déanta ag rang na hIdirbhliana atá le cloisint thíos. Ta gach clar dírithe ar abhar Ardteistiméireachta roghnach faoi leith agus ba chóir go gcabhródh na cláir le daltaí agus tuismitheoirí roghanna a dhéanamh maidir le ábhar na hArdteiste. Beidh breis ábhair thíos go luath.
Below you will find a selection of Podcasts created by Transition Year Students focused on a selection of Leaving Certificate optional subjects. The podcasts, as Gaeilge, might help students and parents choose subjects to carry forward to the Senior Cycle. Further subject podcasts will be added soon.